Rosalie Marie Francis

Rosalie Francis is a member of the Indian Brook Mi’kmaq First Nations community located near Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia. Rosalie Francis is the daughter of Joseph Henry Francis of Eel Ground (Natuaqaneg) and Marie Francis of Indian Brook.  Rosalie has spent much of her life involved in the pursuance of Mi’kmaq Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and has played an advisory role to the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Chiefs.  She received her BA in Social Anthropology from Dalhousie University in 1993 and shortly after became employed with the Union of Nova Scotia Indians. While employed at UNSI, Rosalie was directly involved in the implementation of the Donald Marshall Junior Royal Commission Recommendations and Aboriginal Rights negotiations with the Federal and Provincial Government.  In 2003 she received her MA degree from Saint Mary’s University where the focus of her study was Mi’kmaq treaties and the negotiations that occurred in the 1700’s between the Mi’kmaq and the British Crown.  Rosalie is also the mother of three children and is currently pursuing her law degree at Dalhousie University.  

Added to Archives 2013