Rita Joe (Bernard), poet (b. at Whycocomagh, NS 15 March 1932; d. at Sydney, NS 20 March 2007). Rita Joe was born and spent her childhood on the Waycobah Mi'kmaq reserve in Cape Breton Island. Rita Joe left the island at the age of 12 to go to...
Eleanor Virginia Johnson was born September 5, 1944. She had 11 brothers and sisters. Eleanor struggled with illness at a young age and spent years in hospital away from her family and community. After finishing grade 11 she decided to attend...
Barbara Johnson, former Board administrator at Potlotek Board of Education, assistant Professor at St. Francis Xavier University and insAdult Ed at NS Department has worked in the field of Education for the last 30+ years. Her doctorial...
Born and raised in the Millbrook Mi'kmaw Community, Truro, NS, Don Julien has worked throughout his life toward a better future for the Mi'kmaw people. Following high school completion, Don spent five years with the Canadian Armed Forces, which...
Stephen Knockwood was a Mi’kmaq veteran who fought in both world wars and was Chief of Indian Brook during the late 1940’s and early 1950’s. Stephen Knockwood had a couple of publications but only his small book featuring the story of Glooscap is...
Isabelle Knockwood received her bachelor's degree from St. Mary's University, Halifax, N.S. with a major in anthropology and a minor in English.
An elder of the Mi'kmaq Nation, she is the author of Out of the Depths: The Experiences...
Bonita Lawrence (Mi’kmaw) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Equity Studies at York University, where she teaches Indigenous Studies in the Multicultural and Indigenous Studies program. Her new book, Fractured Homeland: Federal...
Roger Lewis is Assistant Curator, Ethnology, for the Nova Scotia Museum and a Nova Scotian of Mi’kmaq ancestry. He has a special interest in the distinctive Mi’kmaq craft of porcupine quill decoration on birch bar He is a Mi’kmaq historian and...
Lillian Marshall is a well known and much loved Mi'kmaw Elder from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. She has worked for her home
community of Chapel Island (Potlotek) for over 33 years in different aspects of Aboriginal education. Furthermore, her...
Joseph Benjamin (Joe B.) Marshall has been a Senior Mi'kmaq Advisor to the Mi'kmaq Rights Initiative since 2004. Joe guides the Mi'kmaq and the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq Chiefs as they proceed through the negotiation of aboriginal and...