
Joseph Benjamin (Joe B.) Marshall has been a Senior Mi'kmaq Advisor to the Mi'kmaq Rights Initiative since 2004. Joe guides the Mi'kmaq and the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq Chiefs as they proceed through the negotiation of aboriginal and...

Added to Archives 2013

Simon Marshall (1917-1992) was a member of the Membertou First Nation, a man whose memorial notes read "Life Long Outstanding Citizen in the Community of Membertou who Devoted His Life as an Active Member for St. Ann's Mission Church". Simon...

Added to Archives 2013

Elder Dr. Murdena Marshall is from the Bear Clan of the Mi'kmaw Nation; she lives in the community of Eskasoni in Unama’ki – Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

Murdena attended Indian Day School in Eskasoni to Grade 8, then Grades 9 and 10 at...

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Catherine Anne Martin is an independent producer and the first Mi'kmaq filmmaker from the Atlantic Region. She is a member of the Millbrook Mi’kmaq First Nation Community near Truro, Nova Scotia. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts from...

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Fred Metallic is resident of Listuguj and a lifetime citizen of Gespe’gewa’gi, Mi’gma’gi. In 2011 Fred graduated from York University and obtained his Ph.D. in Environmental Studies. His dissertation, written and defended in Mi'gmaw in Listuguj...

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Added to Archives 2013

Eunice is from Listuguj. She is one of the team of Mi'gmaq speakers who edits and adds entries, records words, and prepares and records sentences for the dictionary. She has a long background as a Mi'gmaq language educator for adult learners and...

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Janine Metallic, a Mi’gmaq from Listuguj, Quebec,she is a fluent Mi’gmaw language speaker and has an educational background in health, science, language, and education. Janine’s PhD research focuses on the language stories and experiences of...

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James Michael is a Senior Associate of Mi'kma'ki All Points Services (MAPS) with the portfolio of Manager of Advisory Services and Public Relations. James is a Mi'kmaq from the Shubenacadie First Nations in Nova...

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Curtis L. Michael was born and raised on the Sipekne’kati First Nation. He is married to Rose Michael (nee Nevin) and they have 9 children. Curtis teaches our Mi’kmaw Language at the L’nu Sipuk Kina’muo’kuom (LSK) School in Indian Brook, N.S. In...

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