A report to the Royal Commission on the Donald Marshall Jr. Prosecution

Battiste, M. (Director, Apamuek Institute) & Henderson & J.Y. (Sákéj). (1988, June).  A report to the Royal Commission on the Donald Marshall Jr. Prosecution (Report from the Apamuwek Institute, Eskasoni, Nova Scotia for the Mi'kmaq Grand Council).


CBU/MRC - Report #407 MRC 2003-407-1992 ***CLOSED

Document dealing with the underlying reasons for the failure of the justice system to adequately serve Donald Marshall Jr.  Looks at the Elekewki Compact, 1752, Article 8, and Article V of the 1761 Accession Treaties and the absence of prerogative instruction or Act of Parliament to extend criminal jurisdiction over the Mi'kmaq.  Discusses the failure of the rule of law for the Mi'kmaq in Nova Scotia. Includes 10 recommendations for moving the administration of justice for Mi'kmaq into the constitutional era

Note:  Document listed as 'CLOSED'.

Document Date
Added to Archives 2013
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