Battiste, M. (Director, Apamuwek Institute) & Union of Nova Scotia Indians (Research Department). Appeal from 1985 decision on Mi’kmaq surrenders 1890-1933 by Specific Claims Branch, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (Report prepared by the Apamuwek Institute for the Mi’kmaq Band of Nova Scotia). Unpublished Manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia
678 pp.
CBU/MRC - Report #109 MRC 98-109-620
3 Volumes - including 2 appendices. Only Volumes 1 and 3 available; Vol. 1 - 236p. Vol.3- 211p. Total 678 p. Pages 237- 466 unavailable.
Contents include: 1.Statement of Claim 2.Summaries of Decisions of Justice Department 3.Summary of Facts and Law 4.Schedule of Questionable Surrenders 5.Summary of Arguments 6.Arguments 7.Appendix.
Note: Neither document or appendix may be duplicated without written permission of Dr. Marie Battiste.