Lawrence, B. (2012). Fractured homeland: federal recognition and Algonquian Identity in Ontario. Vancouver: UBC Press.
344 pp.
ISBN: 9780774822879 (hbk), 9780774822886 (pbk)
was a finalist for the...
Lawrence, B. (2012). Fractured homeland: federal recognition and Algonquian Identity in Ontario. Vancouver: UBC Press.
344 pp.
ISBN: 9780774822879 (hbk), 9780774822886 (pbk)
was a finalist for the...
Lawrence, B. (2004). “Real” Indians and Others: Mixed-Blood Urban Native Peoples and Indigenous Nationhood. Vancouver: UBC Press.
303 pp.
ISBN: 077481103X
Anderson K. & and Lawrence, B. (Eds.). (2003). Strong women stories: Native vision and community survival. Toronto: Sumach Press. ,
264 pp.
ISBN 189454921X
Lawrence, B. (2011). Legislating identity: Colonialism, land and Indigenous legacies. In M. Wetherell & C. Talpade-Mohanty (Eds.), SAGE handbook of Identities. (pp. 508-625). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lawrence, B. (2009). Reclaiming Ktaqamkuk: Land and Mi’kmaq Identity in Newfoundland. In J. Agyeman, P. Cole, R. Haluza-DeLay, & P. O’Riley (Eds.), Speaking for Ourselves: Environmental Justice in Canada (pp. 42-64). Vancouver: UBC...
Lawrence, B. (2012). Identity, Non-Status Indians, and Federally Unrecognized Communities. In K. Burnett & G. Read (Eds.), Aboriginal History: A Reader (pp. 196-205). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
512 pp.
Amadahy, Z., & Lawrence, B. (2010). Indigenous Peoples And Black People In Canada: Settlers or allies? In A. Kempf (Ed.), Breaching the colonial contract: Anti-colonialism in the US and Canada (pp. 105-136). New York: Springer...
Usher, J. & Lawrence, B. (2011). Indigenous and restorative justice: Reclaiming humanity and community. In J. Charlton, S. Pavelka & P.J. Verrecchia (Eds.), International perspectives on restorative justice in education (pp....
Lawrence, B. (2002). Rewriting histories of the land: Colonization and Indigenous resistance in eastern Canada. In S. Razack (Ed.), Race, space and the law: Unmapping a white settler society (pp. 21-46). Toronto: Sumach Press.
...Lawrence, B. (2000). Mixed-race urban Native people” Surviving a legacy of policies of genocide. In R.F. Laliberte (Ed.), Expressions in Canadian Native Studies (pp. 69-94). Saskatoon: University Extention Press, University of ...