Sable, T., & Francis, B. (2012) The Language of This Land, Mi'kma'ki. Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press.
132 pp.
With a foreword by Leroy Little Bear, Chair of Native American Studies, Lethbridge University
...Sable, T., & Francis, B. (2012) The Language of This Land, Mi'kma'ki. Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press.
132 pp.
With a foreword by Leroy Little Bear, Chair of Native American Studies, Lethbridge University
...Francis, B., & Hewson, J. (Eds. & Trans.). (2012). The Mi'kmaw Grammar of Father Pacifique (new ed.). Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press. (Original work published 1939)
200 pp.
ISBN ...
Board book: 10 pages
Publisher: Nimbus Publishing; 01 edition (Oct 21 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1551097451
ISBN-13: 978-1551097459
Weska'qelmut Apje'juanu, Kisses, Kisses, Baby-O is a Mi'kmaq language board...
Francis, B. (1984,...
Chants in Mi'kmaq, including: The Feast Chant - Wi'kupaltimkewey, The Hunting Song, The Marriage Song, Mi'kmaq Tlqamiksutimuowek Me' Mu Aklasie'w Pekisinukek, along with a commentary on customs of the Mi'kmaq before European contact. Includes...
Description of seasonal work and the daily routine for Mi'kmaq men, early 1900s, in Cape Breton. Winter firewood cutting, recreation, and spring house building are discussed. Rendered in both English and Mi'kmaq. This article is Frank Doucette...