Marshall, J.B. (2006). My land Is not thine, either by right or by conquest. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia: Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs.
CBU/MRC - Clippings File #523 MRC 2010-523-3302
Part of a paper...
Marshall, J.B. (2006). My land Is not thine, either by right or by conquest. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia: Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs.
CBU/MRC - Clippings File #523 MRC 2010-523-3302
Part of a paper...
Marshall, J.B. (2000). Mi'kmaq trust [paper completed in the Mi'kmaq Studies Program at UCB). Unpublished manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia.
CBU/MRC - Report #294...
Henderson, S., Johnson, P., Marshall, J.B., Marshall, M. (1992). Rolling draft of Constitution Act, 1992, related to Aboriginal Peoples Mi'kmaq titles. Unpublished manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton...
Marshall, J. B. (1991). Hunting and fishing rights of the Mi'kmaq. In S. Inglis, J. Mannette & S. Sulewski (Eds.), Paqtatek: volume 1[j1] : Policy and consciousness in Mi'kmaq life (pp. ). Halifax: Garamond Press.