Battiste, M. (2011). Micmac Literacy and Cognitive Assimilation. In M. Cannon & L. Sunseri (Eds.), Racism, colonialism and indigeneity in Canada (pp 165-173). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
352 pp.
Battiste, M. (2011). Micmac Literacy and Cognitive Assimilation. In M. Cannon & L. Sunseri (Eds.), Racism, colonialism and indigeneity in Canada (pp 165-173). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
352 pp.
Battiste, M. & Henderson, J.Y. (Sákéj). (2005). Protecting Indigenous knowledge and heritage: A global challenge. In W. McCaslin (Ed.), Justice as healing: Indigenous ways (pp. 240-244). St. Paul, MN: Living Justice Press
Battiste, M & Semeganis, H. (2002). First thoughts on First Nations citizenship: Issues in education. In Yvonne Hébert (Ed.), Citizenship in transformation in Canada (pp. 93-111). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
289 pp.
...Battiste, M. (1997). Introduction. In J. (Sákéj) Youngblood Henderson, Mi'kmaq concordat (pp. 13-20). Halifax, NS: Fernwood.
120 pp.
ISBN 1895686806, 9781895686807
This important work, written primarily as a Native Studies...
Battiste, M. (1995).Introduction in Marie Battiste and Jean Barman (Eds.), First Nations education in Canada: The circle unfolds (pp. vii-xx). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Introduction by Marie...
Battiste, J.Y. (Ed). (2010). Honouring 400 years Kepmite'tmnej. Eskasoni, Nova Scotia: Mi'kmaq Grand Council, Eskasoni First Nation (Culture/Recreation and Youth) & the Nova Scotia Tripartite Forum on Education.
149 pp....
Henderson, J. (Sa'ke'j) Y. & Battiste, J. (2013). How Aboriginal Philosophy Informs Aboriginal Rights. In Sandra Tomsons & Lorraine Mayer (Eds.), Philosophy and Aboriginal Rights. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Wiessner, S. & Battiste, M. (2000, Fall). The 2000 revision of the United Nations draft principles and guidelines on the protection of the heritage of Indigenous people. St. Thomas Law Review, 13(1), 383-390.
Battiste, M. (Director, Apamuek Institute) & Henderson & J.Y. (Sákéj). (1988, June). A report to the Royal Commission on the Donald Marshall Jr. Prosecution (Report from the Apamuwek Institute, Eskasoni, Nova Scotia for the Mi'kmaq Grand...
Battiste, M. (Director, Apamuek Institute), Henderson, J.Y. (Sákéj) & Barsh, R. (1986). Mi'kmaq treaty renovation (Report prepared by the Apamuwek Institute developed for the Mi'kmaq Grand Council, the Union of Nova Scotia Indians and the...