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Part of a paper...
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Marshall, J.B. (2000). Mi'kmaq trust [paper completed in the Mi'kmaq Studies Program at UCB). Unpublished manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia.
CBU/MRC - Report #294...
Henderson, S., Johnson, P., Marshall, J.B., Marshall, M. (1992). Rolling draft of Constitution Act, 1992, related to Aboriginal Peoples Mi'kmaq titles. Unpublished manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton...
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Usher, J. & Lawrence, B. (2011). Indigenous and restorative justice: Reclaiming humanity and community. In J. Charlton, S. Pavelka & P.J. Verrecchia (Eds.), International perspectives on restorative justice in education (pp....