Stones and Switches, Simon’s first and only novel, is set in the 1930s on the fictional reservation of Messkig, one of the Mi’kmaq words for “large.” “It is an ironic name for a reservation,” writes Simon, “that has had most of its lands...
Palmater, P., (2011) Beyond Blood: Rethinking Indigenous Identity, Purich Publishing Ltd, Saskatchewan
Pamela Palmater argues that the Indian Act's registration provisions (will lead to the extinguishment of First Nations as legal...
Palmater, P.D. (2009). The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples response to Canada's engagement process affecting Indian registration and band membership (McIvor v. Canada). Ottawa: Congress of Aboriginal Peoples.
20 pp.
Sylliboy, B. (2005). A brief history of Mi'kmaq education in Atlantic Canada. Unpublished manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia.
CBU/MRC - Article #441...
Sylliboy, B. (1999). Wowkwis aqq Ka'qaquj[in Mi'kmaq and English]. Eskasoni, Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq Language Centre of Excellence.
CBU/MRC - Pam#200 MRC 2002-200-1718
Palmater, P.D. (2001). In the path of our ancestors: The Aboriginal right to cross the Canada -United States Border. (LL. M Thesis, Dalhousie University. Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada.
384 pp.
Augustine, S. (2005). Mi'kmaq & Maliseet cultural ancestral material: National collections from the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Gatineau, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization.
258 pp.
Kerry Prosper, L. Jane McMillan, Anthony A. Davis, and Morgan Moffitt. Returning to Netukulimk: Mi’kmaq cultural and spiritual connections with resource stewardship and self-governance, The International Indigenous Policy Journal vol 2....
The Mi'kmaq have a deep and rich relationship with Ka't (American eel Anguilla rostrata). While the Mi'kmaq continue to harvest Ka'tfor food,
their relations with and use of eel also embody important cultural meanings and...
Paul-Martin, P. (2001). Ke Kinu'tmui Ta'n Teli L'nui'simk, Kiju (M.J. Martin, Illustrator). Truro, Nova Scotia: Eastern Woodland Print Commuications
An online book that has both English and Mi’kmaq written words with option to...