Bowers R. (2001) Life passages: Paths to empowerment for sexual minorities, Psychotherapy in Australia, 7(2), 60-66.Book peer reviewed published
Bowers R, (2006) What is counselling? In Pelling N., Bowers R., and Armstrong P. (Eds.), (2006) The practice of counselling, Cengage Publishers, Melbourne.
Bowers R, (2006) A sociological approach to ageing and counselling, In Pelling N., Bowers R., and Armstrong P. (Eds.), (2006) The practice of counselling, Cengage Publishers, Melbourne.
Atkinson J., Kennedy D., and Bowers R. (2006) Aboriginal and First Nations approaches to counselling, In Pelling N., Bowers R., and Armstrong P. (Eds.), (2006) The practice of counselling, Cengage Publishers, Melbourne.
Bowers R. (2003) Semi-hypnotic visualisation: Treating internalised homophobia in sexual and gender minorities. In Whitman J. and Boyd C., The therapist’s notebook for lesbian, gay and bisexual clients: Homework, handouts, and activities...
Bowers R. (2003) Queer Space: Empowering realisations of sacred sexuality, In Whitman J. and Boyd C., The therapist’s notebook for lesbian, gay and bisexual clients: Homework, handouts, and activities for use in psychotherapy, Haworth...
Bowers R. (2008) Mi’kmaw approaches to healing and traditional medicine, Editorial, The Source Magazine – Halifax’s Alternative Health Magazine, January.
Bowers R. and Minichiello V. (2001) A review of homosexuality: Changes over time, In Wood C. (Ed.), Sexual Positions: An Australian view, Hill of Content, Melbourne.
Bowers R. (2011) Mapping competencies for entry to the counselling psychotherapy profession in Australia, Counselling Australia, 11(3), Spring, 4-16.
Bowers, Randolph (2013) On the threshold:Personal transformation and spiritual awakening- A primer on the spirtual life with activities , Earth Rattle Publishing, Armidale
As a personal mirror for self-awareness and growth, On the...