Bowers, Randolph (2013) Naked Night: Impressions of the heart, Earth Rattle Publishing, Armidale
Naked Night: Impressions of the Heart represents a milestone of reflection on coming of age, revealing a witty and astute sense of...
Bowers, Randolph (2013) Naked Night: Impressions of the heart, Earth Rattle Publishing, Armidale
Naked Night: Impressions of the Heart represents a milestone of reflection on coming of age, revealing a witty and astute sense of...
Bowers, Randolph (2013) Humanity: The search for place, Earth Rattle Publishing, Armidale
Humanity: The Search for Place is a poetry collection with an intensive youthful honesty and an old-soul-maturity. Together these capacities...
Bowers R. (2007) Diversity in creation: Identity, race, sexuality and indigenous creativity, A paper presented for the Seventh International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 3-6 July 2007, Amsterdam, The...
Bowers R. (2006), Wholistic applications of counselling with the aging in dialogue with pastoral care concerns: A postmodern and transcendental analysis, Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Health,2(1), 68-85, April 2006.
Bowers R. (2004) Our stories, Our medicine – Exploring holistic therapy integrating body-wellness, mindfulness, and spirituality: An Indigenous perspective on healing, change, and counselling, and the social and political contexts of an...
Bowers R. (2003) The way forward: Addressing homophobia in client consultations, 1st National Mental Health & Wellness Conference, University of New England, 30 September – 1 October 2003.
Bowers R. (2002) Making the marginal mainstream: Addressing sexual and gender difference and homophobia in counselling, 3rd National Conference, ‘A Shifting Landscape: Exploring the process of counselling and psychotherapy education,’ ...
Bowers R., Warren J. (2010) ‘Spirituality, Diversity, and Belonging – Project Report 2010,’ Cape Breton District Health Authority and Cape Breton University.
Bowers R., (2010) PLACE: Beyond an Indigenous critical analysis of fine art practice, discourse and culture and the contested nature of minority identity in the mainstream – Articulating an Indigenous aesthetic, A public exhibition...
Bowers R. (2008) Reconnecting with the Mi’kmaq, Cape Breton University Mi’kmaq Resource Centre Online Publication, Sponsored by the University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia.