Knockwood, I. & Thomas, G. (1992). Out of the depths: The experiences of Mi'kmaw children at the Indian Residential School at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia (2nd ed.). Lockeport, Nova Scotia: Roseway.
“The Residential School...
Knockwood, I. & Thomas, G. (1992). Out of the depths: The experiences of Mi'kmaw children at the Indian Residential School at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia (2nd ed.). Lockeport, Nova Scotia: Roseway.
“The Residential School...
Paul, D. (2006). We were not the savages: Collision of European and Native American civilizations (3rd ed.). Halifax: Fernwood.
408 pp.
SMU - E99 .M6 P38 2006
CBU - E 99 M6 P38...
Battiste, M. & Henderson, J. (Sákéj) Y. (2011). Oppression and the Health of Indigenous Peoples. In Elizabeth Gibbons (Ed.), Oppression: A social determinant of health (pp.89-96). Halifax, NS: Fernwood.
256 pp.
...Battiste, M. (1997). Introduction. In J. (Sákéj) Youngblood Henderson, Mi'kmaq concordat (pp. 13-20). Halifax, NS: Fernwood.
120 pp.
ISBN 1895686806, 9781895686807
This important work, written primarily as a Native Studies...
Issac, Michael James, (2010) How the Cougar Came to be Called the Ghost Cat/Ta’n Petalu Telui’tut Skite’kmujewey Mia’wj, Fernwood Publishing, Black Point, NS B0J 1B0
Illustrated by Dozay (Arlene) Christmas
The human need to...
Issac, Michael James, (2013) The Lost Teachings/Panuijkatasikl Kina'masuti'l, Fernwood Publishing,
Illustrated by Dozay (Arlene) Christmas; Translated by Yolanda Denny and Elizabeth Paul
”Once again, Michael James Isaac and...