Challenging White Hegemony in University Classrooms
Dua, E., & Lawrence B. (2000, Spring). Challenging white hegemony in university classrooms. Atlantis 24 (4), 105-122 [Special Issue: Whose Canada Is It?].
Dua, E., & Lawrence B. (2000, Spring). Challenging white hegemony in university classrooms. Atlantis 24 (4), 105-122 [Special Issue: Whose Canada Is It?].
Lawrence, B. (2000, Spring). Aboriginal harvesting rights and white resistance. Atlantis 24 (2), 153 [Special Issue: Whose Canada Is It?].
Lawrence, B. (1996). Colonialism, identity and development: A case study from mortheastern Ontario. FES Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Series, 1(3). Faculty of Environmental Studies,York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lawrence, B. (1996). The exclusion of Survivors voices in feminist discourse on violence against women. Ottawa: Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW).
43 pp.
Available in libraries.
No ISBN number, publication no longer listed.
Lawrence, Bonita. (2003, Spring). Gender, race, and the regulation of Native identity In Canada and the United States: An overview. Hypatia: A journal of feminist philosophy,18 (2), 3-31.
Lawrence, B & E. Dua. (2005). Decolonizing anti-racism”. Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict and World Order, 32(4), 120-143.
Lawrence, B. (2002). Rewriting histories of the land: Colonization and Indigenous resistance in eastern Canada. In S. Razack (Ed.), Race, space and the law: Unmapping a white settler society (pp. 21-46). Toronto: Sumach Press.
ISBN 1896357598
Bowers R., Plummer D. and Minichiello V. (2005) Homophobia and the everyday mechanisms of prejudice: Findings from a qualitative study, Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Health, 1(1) 31-57.
Bowers R., Plummer D. & Minichiello V. (2005) Homophobia in Counselling Practice. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 27(3), 471-489.
Pelling N, Bowers R. and Armstrong P. (Eds.), (2007) The practice of counselling, Cengage Publishers, Melbourne.