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Treaty Day speech (presented at Mi'kmaq Treaty Day)

Denny, A. (Kji-keptin). (1998). Treaty Day speech. Speech Presented at Mi'kmaq Treaty Day in Halifax, NS, October 1998. Unpublished Manuscript held at the Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS.

Addressing a Mi'kmaw assemblage in Halifax, NS, the Treaty Day Speech by Grand Keptin Alex Denny focused on treaty origin of Mi'kmaw politics and the importance of Mi'kmaw cultural values. Also discusses the limitations of the Indian Act.


Library Reference

CBU/MRC - Report #566 MRC 2009-566-3091

Curriculum reform through constitutional reconciliation of Indigenous knowledge.

Battiste, M.  (2011). Curriculum reform through constitutional reconciliation of Indigenous Knowledge. In Darren Stanley and Kelly Young (Eds.), Contemporary studies in Canadian curriculum, principles, portraits and practices (pp. 287-312). Edmonton, AB: Brush Education.

422 pp.  

ISBN 1550593994, 9781550593990

Permission granted to use cover image Contemporary studies in Canadian curriculum, principles, portraits and practices (2011) © Brush Education

Micmac Literacy and Cognitive Assimilation

Battiste, M. (2011). Micmac Literacy and Cognitive Assimilation.  In M. Cannon & L. Sunseri (Eds.), Racism, colonialism and indigeneity in Canada (pp 165-173). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

352 pp.

ISBN: 0195432312, 9780195432312

Is a reprint of Battiste, M. (1986). Micmac Literacy and Cognitive Assimilation. In J. Barman, Y. Hebert, & D. McCaskill (Eds.). Indian Education in Canada, Volume 1: The Legacy (pp. 23-44). Vancouver: UBC Press.

Reflections on my learning and teaching as activism and transformation.

Battiste, M.  (2011). Reflections on my learning and teaching as activism and transformation.  In T. Meuse, L. Choyce, & J. Swan (Eds.), The Mi’kmaq anthology: Volume 2: In celebration of the life of Rita Joe (pp. 158-177).  Lawrencetown Beach, NS: Pottersfield Press.

240 pp.

ISBN 1897426291, 9781897426296

Permission granted to use book cover image, The Mi’kmaq anthology: Volume 2 (2011) © Pottersfield Press


Returning to Netukulimk: Mi’kmaq cultural and spiritual connections with resource stewardship and self-governance

Kerry Prosper, L. Jane McMillan, Anthony A. Davis, and Morgan Moffitt. Returning to Netukulimk: Mi’kmaq cultural and spiritual connections with resource stewardship and self-governance, The International Indigenous Policy Journal vol 2. issue 4 (2012).
Available at:

Aboriginal Self Government for the Mi'Kmaq People of Nova Scotia: Essential Features of a Workable Model

Dorey, D.A. (1994). Aboriginal Self Government for the Mi'Kmaq People of Nova Scotia: Essential Features of a Workable Model. Truro, NS: Native Council of Nova Scotia, Language Program.

60 pp.

ISBN: 0929073878, 9780929073873

Originally submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Arts degree in Canadian Studies at Carleton University, June 30th, 1993.

Out of Depths

Knockwood, I. & Thomas, G.  (1992).  Out of the depths: The experiences of Mi'kmaw children at the Indian Residential School at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia (2nd ed.).  Lockeport, Nova Scotia: Roseway.  



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