Sharon Rudderham, Membertou First Nation, Nova Scotia
Sharon has worked as a Health Director for the Nova Scotia Tribal Council and the Union of Nova Scotia Indians where she provided policy & program advice and coordinated the implementation of Brighter futures/Building healthy community programs for NS Mi’kmaq communities. She has also participated on many National Advisory committees through the Assembly of First Nations and served as a member of the Nova Scotia Provincial Health Council. Sharon Paul Rudderham is the Health Administrator of the Eskasoni Community Health Centre, located about 40 minutes from her home community.
Sharon administers all community health programs from Homecare, Diabetes Education Centre, Head start and Mental Health services; Dental clinic services as well Primary Care & Physician services for a community of 3500 people. Sharon has been instrumental in the development and coordination of a collaborative network the Tuikn Initiative amongst 5 Cape Breton Mi’kmaq communities; as well as establishing relationships between local District Health Authorities and health services for Mi’kmaq communities. Sharon recently completed a term as the Mi’kmaq Co-Chair of the Mi’kmaq-Nova Scotia-Federal Tripartite Forum Health Committee. She also participates on many local, provincial and national committees’ on First Nation’s Health