Sable, T., & Francis, B. (2012) The Language of This Land, Mi'kma'ki. Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press.
132 pp.
With a foreword by Leroy Little Bear, Chair of Native American Studies, Lethbridge University
...Sable, T., & Francis, B. (2012) The Language of This Land, Mi'kma'ki. Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press.
132 pp.
With a foreword by Leroy Little Bear, Chair of Native American Studies, Lethbridge University
...Francis, B., & Hewson, J. (Eds. & Trans.). (2012). The Mi'kmaw Grammar of Father Pacifique (new ed.). Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press. (Original work published 1939)
200 pp.
ISBN ...
Trotter, Maxine. (1996). Loon rock/Pkwimu Wkuntem (H. Sylliboy, Trans., D. Christmas, Illustrator) [In Mi'kmaq and English]. Sydney, Nova Scotia: Cape Breton University Press.
A children's story written in both English and Mi'...
Marshall, L., Marshall, M., Harris, P. & Bartlett, C. (2010). Muin aqq L'uiknek Te'sijik Ntuksuinu'k /Muin and the seven bird hunters [in Mi'kmaq and English] Sydney, Nova Scotia: Cape Breton University Press.
32pp. ...
Harris, P., Marshall, M., Denny, D., Young, F., Marshall, S., & Bartlett, C. (2013) Nkij'inen Teluet: Kina'matnewe'l Telimuksi'ki We'wkl Atukwaqnn Kisi Amalwi'kmi'tij Gerald Gloade = Our Grandmothers' Words: Traditional Stories for...